Opportunities for Students & New Grads in Oceania

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

Are you ready to make your mark?

It is time to take that first big leap and start exploring your future career and we are ready to help. At GE Aviation, you will have the opportunity to work on meaningful projects solving real-world challenges while meeting and networking with professionals and leaders, learning more about where you want to take your career, and developing professionally. Whether you are an Intern, Co-op, Apprentice, or a new hire as a recent grad, you will experience: 
  • Career tracks with global impact
  • Leaders who are invested in your learning and development
  • A diverse community committed to helping you succeed and ensuring your ideas are heard 

Virtual Explorer Series

Experience our no cost Virtual Experience Program and find out, at your own pace,  what it would be like to be an intern at GE Aviation. In 5-6 hours, you will get practical skills and experience in Engineering, Supply Chain,  Human Resources, or Digital Technology.

Internships &  Co-Ops

An internship at GE Aviation is an opportunity to take your area of study forward for experience and further discovery. Collaborate on exciting projects, not only with talented peers, but with top leaders in your field. Make connections and begin to explore what inspires you.

Development Programs

Our programs are the primary paths for university graduates into GE Avitiation careers. Build skills in critical areas of the company with active coaching and apply your capabilities to projects with impact. These programs are an opportunity  to  
accelerate your future with us.

New Grad Opportunities

Are you a recent grad and ready to start your career journey? We hire graduates into a variety of roles across our business.  No matter you role, working with GE Aviation means you will be an important part of solving the global challenge of flight. 

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
Lorem Ipsum


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Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Amet nobis odio deserunt unde omnis atque nostrum natus aspernatur dolorem cumque, repudiandae ex odit iusto nemo officia consectetur facilis? Nulla, rem.

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nisi est, vulputate eget lacinia ac, convallis in arcu. Aenean euismod accumsan rutrum. In sollicitudin massa sit amet leo suscipit, ut maximus augue gravida. Quisque eu molestie dui. Maecenas volutpat porta nisi sit amet consequat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus.

Cras iaculis, dolor non aliquet pulvinar, felis nibh mollis turpis, id pulvinar neque sapien sed turpis. Duis nec elementum lacus, in placerat magna. Donec iaculis interdum ornare. Mauris a mattis odio. Vivamus sed eros eros. Integer lobortis ultrices leo, at consequat metus pharetra non. Etiam laoreet rutrum lacus a porta. Maecenas at dolor sollicitudin, rutrum purus at, maximus sem.

Duis laoreet bibendum ante, sed commodo purus maximus eu. Vestibulum ligula lacus, pellentesque ut erat at, rutrum venenatis orci. Ut at dolor at sapien semper tempus. Donec sodales laoreet egestas. Vestibulum eros nisi, facilisis eget leo a, pulvinar gravida felis. Aliquam ultrices ex libero, pretium tempus nunc finibus id. Nunc sollicitudin egestas placerat. Aenean sollicitudin posuere maximus. Integer pellentesque magna a gravida vehicula.